shipshapecode / angular-shepherd

An Angular wrapper for the site tour library Shepherd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AMZALE opened this issue · comments

Hi. According to the official documentation there is stepsContainer property, how can I get it and set this a setting using angular-shepherd?
All properties are available from ShepherdService

confirmCancel: boolean;
confirmCancelMessage: string;
defaultStepOptions: Step.StepOptions;
errorTitle: any;
isActive: boolean;
keyboardNavigation: boolean;
messageForUser: string;
modal: boolean;
requiredElements: any[];
tourName: any;
tourObject: Shepherd.Tour;
exitOnEsc: boolean;

Seems like we need to add it to the service @chuckcarpenter

@RobbieTheWagner are you working on that or did you see some PR elsewhere?

@chuckcarpenter I am not working on it. We just manually define options in the angular service, so it should be relatively easy for someone to open a PR for it.