shayneobrien / coreference-resolution

Efficient and clean PyTorch reimplementation of "End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution" (Lee et al., EMNLP 2017).

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What should I do with the data?

fairy-of-9 opened this issue · comments

I downloaded OntoNotes Release 5.0.

and I did e2e-coref's getting started.

I created directories (data/train,data/development,data/test)
and data(output of getting started) are located in directories like data/train/train.english.v4_gold_conll

Did I miss anything or do something wrong?



This article maybe helpful:

@fairy-of-9 did you manage to train?

@ShadmanRohan sry. I couldn't train.

Hi Shayne,
Congratulations on the great work with Coreference Resolution model.

Unfortunately, I do not have Ontonotes dataset and am using my .txt file. I am unable to find any useful link to convert .txt file into conll 2012 format. I tried using conll u format for training but did not succeed. It would be great if you can answer the following questions:

1.) Which tool can be used to annotate the text to match the coreferences
2.) Can your packages handle custom training

Please revert at a convenient time of yours.

Thanks and Regards
Marur Srikanta