shawwn / llama-dl

High-speed download of LLaMA, Facebook's 65B parameter GPT model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

lol the old links were really in the original torrent?

G2G2G2G opened this issue · comments

from your readme:

I doubt it. This is using the download link that was leaked in the original torrent. (i.e. the leaker accidentally leaked their own unique download link that Facebook sent them.)

The original guy verified his hashes with some other guy to make sure they weren't unique and then leaked it

I'm dying of laughter if he really did leak his URL in the torrent he posted after all that precaution lmao

Did 4chan remove the thread?

there's no archive on 4chan all threads get removed.
you can open it on a site that archives though like

anyway I disagree he "hacked" anyone, it was probably him or his company.