shawon100 / Online-Compiler

This is an online compiler that can compile and run C\C++ And Java Program. This online compiler is a part of my 5th semester project "RUET Online Judge" . Developed By Ashadullah Shawon

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sh: javac: command not found

pranaylobo opened this issue · comments

javac not working

I have not installed java in my online server. But you can try in localhost. Your class name should be Main

Yes I understand you have not in localhost it's working properly no.problem just like c c++,python2 I wanted Java and python3 to work online no localhost the point of openshift was without having any installed in users side you can access anything.In the pods terminal tell me how to access as admin then I can install Java packages

You can not install from the pod terminal as it may not contain all features of terminal. You have to make your own pod or container with ubuntu os image by docker and kubernetes and then add it to openshift. To do this you have to learn docker and kubernetes at first. Thanks.

I have added Dockefile in this repository for creating custom image containers or pods and it will also install java compiler. If you have enough knowledge in docker and openshift you can deploy it.. Thanks.

Thank you