shawnho1018 / terraform-vsphere-nsxt

This is an nsx-t module to quickly create subnet in NSX-T for future VM provisioning.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NSX-T Switch

Create a subnet, consisting of a T1 router and a segment, which auto-connects to the corresponding T0.

  • Master branch contains module for terraform 0.12 and later
    module "nsx-t" {
      source = "shawnho1018/nsxt/vsphere"
      version = "0.1.0"
    No Implementation for terraform 0.11-.

Config options

Variable Description Required Default
nsxt_tz_overlay Name of Transport Zone of the Overlay Network yes none
nsxt_edgecluster Edge Cluster Name which will be used for T1 provisioning yes none
nsxt_t0 T0 Router Name yes none
subnet Settings for the Desired Subnet yes none

subnet variable is stored using list of object, including the following 5 items:

  • cidr = string (e.g
  • allocation_ranges = list(string) (e.g. [,])
  • gateway_ip = string (e.g.
  • dns_suffix = string (e.g.
  • dns_nameservers = list(string) (e.g. [,])


This is an nsx-t module to quickly create subnet in NSX-T for future VM provisioning.

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 100.0%