shawn1m / overture

A customized DNS relay server

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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overture的匹配模式full-map,只能对域名玩这个匹配才能识别, 可以增加对域名后缀匹配. 比如google.com作为匹配. 所有的 *.google.com都能被匹配到(比如,


  • Copyright (c) 2019 shawn1m. All rights reserved.
  • Use of this source code is governed by The MIT License (MIT) that can be
  • found in the LICENSE file..

package suffix

import (
log ""

type List struct {
DataList []string

func (s *List) Insert(str string) error {
s.DataList = append(s.DataList, "." + str)
return nil

func (s *List) Has(str string) bool {
str = "." + str
for _, data := range s.DataList {
if strings.Contains(str, data) {
log.Debugf("Match: Domain %s match suffix-list %s", str, data)
return true
return false

func (s *List) Name() string {
return "suffix-list"

自己瞎改了一段, 测试了一下可以实现子域名匹配.