shaunsingh / nord.nvim

Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IncSearch bg color

pehweihang opened this issue · comments

When searching and replace with confirmation, its impossible to see the current selection.


This is an issue for me too. Has anyone found a resolution for this? It is a dealbreaker for me

I went back to the original nord scheme and got the exact settings. highlight Search ctermfg=0 ctermbg=6 guifg=#3B4252 guibg=#88C0D0 gui=NONE. I added that after colorscheme nord. Note, the gui=NONE is necessary to counteract the gui=reverse set by this plugin.

@shaunsingh I believe this can now be closed?