shaunsingh / nord.nvim

Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mechanic for customizing individual colors

felipesere opened this issue · comments

👋 Thank you for making nord.nvim!

Do you think its possible to add a mechanic to override colours for specific groups?
For example, I'd like to use a different (Nord) colour for structs in Rust.

I'd be happy to contribute 😸

@felipesere the only thing the plugin exports is basically a set function to load everything, which makes it impossible to override or customize individual colors.

We can always override using vim commands, which is what I did to fix somethings which seem broken, namely the html syntax highlighting:

vim.cmd [[colorscheme nord]]

-- Fix HTML highlight
vim.cmd [[highlight @tag gui=bold guifg=#81A1C1]]
vim.cmd [[highlight @tag.delimiter gui=bold guifg=#616E88]]
vim.cmd [[highlight @tag.attribute guifg=#B48EAD]]

-- Fix elixir syntax
vim.cmd [[highlight @function gui=italic guifg=#81A1C1]]