shaunsingh / nord.nvim

Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

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Change the color of NVimTreeIndentMarker look terrically hard

Hierosme opened this issue · comments

Hello ,

After 4 hours of hard work i finally open a issue about the color of NVimTreeIndentMarker.

The actual color is almost visible. Execpt for young pepole with a good screen and the light turn to max.

I can change it color by use the cmd:
highlight NvimTreeIndentMarker guifg=#D8DEE9

Where #D8DEE9 is know as nord4 .

Unfortunally for me i have try all i know for change automatically that color. and nothing work.

Is it possible to consider to make visible the NVimTreeIndentMarker ?
or just provide a lua exemple on the about for how rewrite a color.

I have try:
autocommand + function
lua highlight

Each time the color turn full white.
