shaunsingh / nord.nvim

Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

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Nord theme makes typing too slow

pandasoli opened this issue · comments

This is my ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
And yeah, the theme is working.
BUT it makes everything slow and locked, I can't even move the pointer fast.
I'm using NVIM v0.7.2

you can try an older commit of the colorscheme

    "shaunsingh/nord.nvim", -- Colorscheme
    commit = "78f5f001709b5b321a35dcdc44549ef93185e024",

I'd recommend updating your nvim to atleast v0.8.0, in order to work with the new tree-sitter highlights and latest version of the theme


I guess the function use is from another package manager.
So I put Plug 'shaunsingh/nord.nvim', {'commit': '78f5f001709b5b321a35dcdc44549ef93185e024'}.

And btw, my nvim keeps slower when I choose any theme, and my version now is v0.9.0-dev-496+g1c324cb19. Idk what to do :(



It may be something in your config itself then, could you try commenting out the rest of your config temporarily and see if it fixes the issue? Usually a mis-written auto command can cause stuff like this

Problem fixed!
I was using the Hyper terminal. I tried it using the standard Linux terminal, it runs perfectly.

It may be something in your config itself then, could you try commenting out the rest of your config temporarily and see if it fixes the issue? Usually a mis-written auto command can cause stuff like this

Still very slow. But alr im gonna move on to the standard terminal