shaunsingh / nord.nvim

Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

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Is the light theme intentional?

EleanorNB opened this issue · comments

There is a cataloguing website which lists this plugin, and it shows a bright ambience variation when bg is light. This appears to preserve accent colours unlike my attempt at a bright ambience version, so is this an intentional feature? If so, does anyone mind pointing me to the exact colour swaps so I can turn it into a Base16 theme?

Yes the Dark and Light theme variation are cause by the code theme, then Yes look intentional.
The Nord palette is all ready a 16 colors palette, and the nord.nvim theme use it almost like a Base16 theme. (nord3_bright is a exception).

If you search which file is the pivot: (It file describ Dark and Light colors)

The colors.lua is call by
