shaunsingh / nord.nvim

Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support

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YAML groups missing for Treesitter highlighting

antoineco opened this issue · comments

Colors in YAML documents look somewhat off compared to the original Nord theme for Vim when Treesitter highlighting is enabled.

Treesitter highlighting

Screenshot 2022-08-13 at 14 59 06

Vim highlighting


Relevant highlight groups:

  • @field -> yamlTSField -> TSField
  • @string -> yamlTSString -> TSString
  • @boolean -> yamlTSBoolean -> TSBoolean
  • @number -> yamlTSNumber -> TSNumber
  • @punctuation.delimiter -> yamlTSPunctDelimiter -> TSPunctDelimiter
  • @punctuation.special -> yamlTSPunctSpecial -> TSPunctSpecial (e.g. "&" in &anchor)
  • @type -> yamlTSType -> TSType (e.g. "anchor" in &anchor)