sharplispers / split-sequence

SPLIT-SEQUENCE is a member of the Common Lisp Utilities family of programs, designed by community consensus.

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Generalizing SPLIT-SEQUENCE to work with sequences for delimiters?

myrkraverk opened this issue · comments


I have a partial implementation of split-sequence that works with
subsequences instead of element delimiters. Partial as in: works for
my use case. It's not hard to finish it and make it work with either
elements or sequences.

Would that be a welcome contribution?


CL-USER(57): foo

#(2 3)
CL-USER(58): bar

#(1 1 2 3 4 5 2 3)
CL-USER(59): (split-sequence-2:split-sequence-2 foo bar :remove-empty-subseqs t)

(#(1 1) #(4 5))

This would break the current semantics when split-sequenceing a sequence whose elements are sequences, so the new behaviour you propose would need to either be subject to some keyword argument or a different function, right?

Can you show me an example of that? It doesn't seem to work with a vector of vectors.

SPLIT-SEQUENCE> (split-sequence '(cut here)
                                '((a b) (cut here) (c d) (cut here) (e f))
                                :test #'equal)
(((A B)) ((C D)) ((E F)))

Splitting by a subsequence is outside the scope if this library. Closing.

@myrkraverk Use CL-PPCRE for that.

CL-USER> (cl-ppcre:split "asd" "qweasdqwefghasdzxcasdfgh")
("qwe" "qwefgh" "zxc" "fgh")