sharplispers / montezuma

Full-text indexing and search for Common Lisp

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Test are failed on ECL 21.2.1 and ABCL 1.9.2 on macOS 12

catap opened this issue · comments

:info:test ;;;
:info:test ;; MONTEZUMA::TEST-PRIORITY-QUEUE ................
:info:test ;; MONTEZUMA::TEST-TABLES ..........................................
:info:test ;; MONTEZUMA::TEST-M2K-ISSUE ;;; Warning: FAILURE: Test MONTEZUMA::TEST-M2K-ISSUE: (MONTEZUMA::TC-M2K-WRITE-INDEX-SEARCH) signalled #<a SIMPLE-ERROR 0x109c8b740> ("Pathname without a physical namestring:
:info:test  :HOST NIL
:info:test  :DEVICE NIL
:info:test  :DIRECTORY (ABSOLUTE opt local var macports build
:info:test              _Users_catap_src_macports-ports_lisp_cl-montezuma cl-montezuma
:info:test              work .home .cache common-lisp ecl-21.2.1-unknown-macosx-x64 opt
:info:test              local var macports build
:info:test              _Users_catap_src_macports-ports_lisp_cl-montezuma cl-montezuma
:info:test              work build source cl-montezuma tests unit regression
:info:test              tc-m2k-test-index)
:info:test  :NAME segments
:info:test  :TYPE UNSPECIFIC
:info:test  :VERSION NEWEST") instead of evaluating to T
:info:test FAn error occurred during initialization:
:info:test #<a MONTEZUMA::TEST-FAILURE 0x109c8e880>.
:info:test Command failed: /opt/local/bin/ecl -q --eval '(require "asdf")' --eval '(setf asdf:*central-registry* (list* (quote *default-pathname-defaults*) #p"/opt/local/var/macports/build/_Users_catap_src_macports-ports_lisp_cl-montezuma/cl-montezuma/work/build/system/" #p"/opt/local/share/common-lisp/system/" asdf:*central-registry*))' --eval '(asdf:operate (quote asdf:test-op) (quote montezuma))' 2>&1

ABCL-1.9.2 fails the same way