sharivan / XSharp

A Mega Man X engine made in C#

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compilation Error: Invalid Expression Term '[' in BaseEngine.cs

Kateles opened this issue · comments


I encountered a compilation error when trying to build the project. The error messages are as follows:

D:\XSharp\XSharp\Engine\BaseEngine.cs(853,25,853,26): error CS1525: Invalid expression term '['
D:\XSharp\XSharp\Engine\BaseEngine.cs(853,26,853,27): error CS0443: Syntax error, value expected
D:\XSharp\XSharp\Engine\BaseEngine.cs(854,27,854,28): error CS1525: Invalid expression term '['
D:\XSharp\XSharp\Engine\BaseEngine.cs(854,28,854,29): error CS0443: Syntax error, value expected

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open the project in Visual Studio 2022.
  3. Build the project.

Expected Behavior

The project should compile without errors.

Actual Behavior

The compilation fails with the errors mentioned above.

Code Snippet

Here is the relevant part of the code where the error occurs:

protected virtual void Initialize(dynamic initializers)
    RNG = new RNG();

    Entities = new EntityFactory();
    aliveEntities = [];
    spawnedEntities = [];
    removedEntities = [];
OS: Windows 11
IDE: Visual Studio 2022
.NET SDK: .NET 7.0
Additional Context
I have verified that all dependencies are installed correctly. Other members of the project seem to compile it successfully, so I suspect there might be some additional context or setup that I'm missing.

Any help or guidance on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


This problem is possibly due to the version of the C# compiler you are using, there is a new feature of the C# language that was recently added that only recognizes square brackets as an array initializer, just as is done in javascript. For example, the expression that would previously be written like this:

int[] a = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };

Now it can be done like this:

var a = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

Check if your C# compiler version is the latest (including preview versions), update it if necessary. If you cannot resolve the problem, an alternative would be to replace the new syntax in the entire code with the old syntax as follows:

// Whatever
a = [];

// Replace with this
a = new T[] {}; // T being the type of a

// Or replace with this
a = Array.Empty<T>(); // T being the type of a

I upgraded VS2022 to the latest 17.10.1 version and it compiled successfully. Thanks so much for your help

Your welcome.