add ble workflow for new notification services
kpwebb opened this issue · comments
Kevin Webb commented
BLE Wheel service (uuid: 1381f6e7-12f9-4ad7-aa87-1c5d50fe03f9)
- forward counter characteristic (read/notify, uuid: 4365ec89-253c-49f4-b8a4-3ffe6ad73673)
- reverse counter characteristic (read/notify, uuid: 0d7f503f-78ed-4c24-a9f3-271264661448)
Kevin Webb commented
forward / reverse are now included in the app / ble data spec. need to consider:
- combining forward/reverse into a single ble message stream (two 32bit ints in one 64 bit ble message)
- add UI functionality in app to enable reverse counting
Kevin Webb commented
added new dual message support for SiWheel supported characteristic in 81b53a9
final DUAL_UUID = new Guid("1fb110c0-3874-4c32-99c1-e1c8669c543f");