sharadg / cf-python-app

Cloud Foundry Python App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python code for deployment to a Cloud Foundry target

This repo contains 2 different processes.

  1. A flask web app that exposes a frontend app and a REST API for invoking commands and making requests to a Fibanacci number generator

  2. A backend Python app running a Fibonacci generator for confirming that the setup is working fine (using RabbitMQ as a messaging backend)


  • Service marketplace binding of RabbitMQ to act as the glue layer between REST API and backend service
  • Cloud Foundry target to deploy this Python application to (you can sign up for a free account at

Runtime Support

For running locally (on MacOS or Linux)

  1. Start RabbitMQ Server
docker run -p 5672:5672 -p 4369:4369 -p 15672:15672 -p 25672:25672 -d bitnami/rabbitmq
  1. Check out this git repo and cd into the repo folder
git checkout
cd cf-python-app
  1. Create a virtual env for tracking python modules required for pip installation
python3 -m venv bare-env
  1. Activate the venv!
source ./bare-env/bin/activate
  1. Install the pip modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set ENV profile to local (to point to the RabbitMQ server running in the docker container)
  1. Start main Flask REST API server
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 298-015-168
  1. In a separate terminal window (change into the same folder as cf-python-app and follow steps #4 & #6, and then, run the following for fibonacci RPC server)
 [*] Awaiting RPC requests. To exit press CTRL+C
  1. Test fibonacci server
http -v :8080/fib/23
GET /fib/23 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: HTTPie/2.2.0

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 6
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2020 16:56:00 GMT
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.6.10


For deployment to Cloud Foundry (using PWS as example here!)

Note: this example assumes you are using v7 of cf cli

  1. Target your cf api, org & space
cf login -a --sso
  1. Search marketplace for a RabbitMQ service broker and create a new service instance, and specify the service instance name in the manifest.yml file
# If you are using PWS, then it offers RabbitMQ service by CloudAMQP
cf marketplace -e cloudamqp
# Else you are most likely to find RabbitMQ service provided through Pivotal Service Marketplace
cf marketplace -e rabbitmq

# Crete a new service instance
cf create-service cloudamqp lemur rabbitmq-service

# You can skip this step if service binding is part of your manifest.yml file
# OR Bind this instance to previously pushed (but not yet started) python app
# cf bind-service cf-python-app rabbitmq-service
  1. Push the cf-python-app
cf push                                                                                                           ✹ ✭
Pushing app cf-python-app to org mordor / space development as
Applying manifest file /Users/sgupta/development/python/cf-python-app/manifest.yml...
Manifest applied
Packaging files to upload...
Uploading files...
 46.04 KiB / 46.04 KiB [==========================================================================================] 100.00% 1s

Waiting for API to complete processing files...

Staging app and tracing logs...
   Downloading python_buildpack...
   Downloaded python_buildpack
   Cell 33875e88-eaee-4f36-8078-33971b28ec28 creating container for instance 737ff658-09d6-4645-bacd-583d08ce586c
   Cell 33875e88-eaee-4f36-8078-33971b28ec28 successfully created container for instance 737ff658-09d6-4645-bacd-583d08ce586c
   Downloading app package...
   Downloaded app package (1.1M)
   -----> Python Buildpack version 1.7.15
   -----> Supplying Python
   -----> Installing python 3.8.3
          Copy [/tmp/buildpacks/b39d17c18faebf9d907ba9c926b74cf9/dependencies/992e82a3a463b9082ed5087ca2ff7eb0/python_3.8.3_linux_x64_cflinuxfs3_b4dbe926.tgz]
   -----> Installing pip-pop 0.1.4
          Copy [/tmp/buildpacks/b39d17c18faebf9d907ba9c926b74cf9/dependencies/1cd0187e0e714e99bef932d4c22f6515/pip-pop-0.1.4-0a3b0f1b.tar.gz]
   -----> Running Pip Install
          Collecting cfenv==0.5.3 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 1))
          Collecting click==7.1.2 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 2))
            Downloading (82kB)
          Collecting Flask==1.1.2 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 3))
            Downloading (94kB)
          Collecting furl==2.1.0 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 4))
          Collecting gunicorn==20.0.4 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 5))
            Downloading (77kB)
          Collecting itsdangerous==1.1.0 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 6))
          Collecting Jinja2==2.11.2 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 7))
            Downloading (125kB)
          Collecting MarkupSafe==1.1.1 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 8))
          Collecting orderedmultidict==1.0.1 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 9))
          Collecting pika==1.1.0 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 10))
            Downloading (148kB)
          Collecting six==1.15.0 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 11))
          Collecting Werkzeug==1.0.1 (from -r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 12))
          Collecting setuptools>=3.0 (from gunicorn==20.0.4->-r /tmp/app/requirements.txt (line 5))
            Downloading (789kB)
          Installing collected packages: six, orderedmultidict, furl, cfenv, click, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, Werkzeug, itsdangerous, Flask, setuptools, gunicorn, pika
          Successfully installed Flask-1.1.2 Jinja2-2.11.2 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 Werkzeug-1.0.1 cfenv-0.5.3 click-7.1.2 furl-2.1.0 gunicorn-20.0.4 itsdangerous-1.1.0 orderedmultidict-1.0.1 pika-1.1.0 setuptools-49.1.0 six-1.15.0
   Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache...
   Uploading droplet...
   Uploading build artifacts cache...
   Uploaded build artifacts cache (1.8M)
   Uploaded droplet (58.2M)
   Uploading complete
   Cell 33875e88-eaee-4f36-8078-33971b28ec28 stopping instance 737ff658-09d6-4645-bacd-583d08ce586c
   Cell 33875e88-eaee-4f36-8078-33971b28ec28 destroying container for instance 737ff658-09d6-4645-bacd-583d08ce586c
   Cell 33875e88-eaee-4f36-8078-33971b28ec28 successfully destroyed container for instance 737ff658-09d6-4645-bacd-583d08ce586c

Waiting for app cf-python-app to start...

Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...

name:              cf-python-app
requested state:   started
last uploaded:     Tue 07 Jul 09:28:37 CDT 2020
stack:             cflinuxfs3
buildpacks:        python

type:            web
instances:       1/1
memory usage:    128M
start command:   gunicorn -w 2 -t 600 app:app
     state     since                  cpu    memory      disk      details
#0   running   2020-07-07T14:28:57Z   0.0%   0 of 128M   0 of 1G

type:            worker
instances:       1/1
memory usage:    128M
start command:   python
     state     since                  cpu    memory      disk      details
#0   running   2020-07-07T14:28:51Z   0.0%   0 of 128M   0 of 1G
  1. You will notice that we have a separate process worker as part of our app which has been specified as part of Procfile and is also specified in manifest.yml
# Procfile
cat Procfile
web: gunicorn -w 2 -t 600 app:app
worker: python

# manifest.yml
cat manifest.yml
  - name: cf-python-app
      - python_buildpack
    random-route: true
      - type: web
        memory: 128M
        instances: 1
      - type: worker
        memory: 128M
        instances: 1
  1. OPTIONAL - The web process runs our REST API and worker process runs the Fibonacci Server. In case, if when we cf push the app and the worker process doesn't run then, we need to scale it's process instance to 1 or more.
cf scale cf-python-app --process worker -i 1

Scaling app cf-python-app in org mordor / space development as

Instances starting...
Instances starting...

Showing current scale of app cf-python-app in org mordor / space development as

name:              cf-python-app
requested state:   started
last uploaded:     Fri 03 Jul 13:17:19 CDT 2020
stack:             cflinuxfs3
buildpacks:        python

type:           web
instances:      1/1
memory usage:   128M
     state     since                  cpu    memory          disk           details
#0   running   2020-07-03T18:17:41Z   0.5%   45.6M of 128M   208.2M of 1G

type:           worker
instances:      1/1
memory usage:   128M
     state     since                  cpu    memory          disk           details
#0   running   2020-07-03T18:17:36Z   0.4%   16.6M of 128M   208.2M of 1G
  1. Test the REST API
# Substitute the application url below with the url where you deployed your app and invoke /fib/<number> endpoint
http -v
GET /fib/42 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: HTTPie/2.2.0

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 10
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2020 18:24:24 GMT
Server: gunicorn/20.0.4
X-Vcap-Request-Id: 1b478d65-bed3-47fe-480e-ef55dafc087d

  1. In case you make any changes to the Python code and you end up installing more python modules, then you need to update the requirements.txt file
pip freeze > requirements.txt

For deployment to Kubernetes (using minikube as example here!)

Note: I used minikube version: v1.11.0 and kubernetes version 1.18.3 for testing

  1. Create a docker container from the Dockerfile as part of this repo
docker build -t cf-python-app:latest -f Dockerfile .
  1. Tag and upload the docker container to a registry of your choice (I am uploading to dockerhub as example)
docker tag cf-python-app:latest shagupta/cf-python-app:latest
docker push shagupta/cf-python-app:latest
  1. Start a minikube cluster on your local workstation
minikube start --container-runtime=containerd --driver=hyperkit
  1. Deploy RabbitMQ using Helm chart and apply the kubernetes manifests located under kubernetes-manifests folder
# Add Bitnami repo to helm charts
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm install rabbitmq --set auth.username=guest,auth.password=guest bitnami/rabbitmq

# apply the manifests for creating configmap, run a Fibonacci RPC server and the REST API web app
kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/01-cf-python-configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/02-cf-python-rpc-server.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/03-cf-python-app.yaml
  1. Create a service endpoint for your REST API and test it from your local machine
kubectl expose deployment cf-python-web-deployment --type=LoadBalancer --name=cf-python-web-lb

n=0; while [[ n -lt 20 ]]; do echo "Requesting ... $n"; http $(minikube service cf-python-web-lb --url=true)/fib/$n; n=$((n+1)); sleep 0.01; done


Cloud Foundry Python App


Language:HTML 40.0%Language:Python 30.7%Language:CSS 26.7%Language:Dockerfile 2.6%Language:JavaScript 0.0%