shanesveller / controller-rs

A kubernetes example controller

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CircleCI docker image

A rust kubernetes reference controller for a Foo resource using kube-rs, with observability instrumentation.

The Controller object reconciles Foo instances when changes to it are detected, and writes to its .status object.


  • A kube cluster / minikube / k3d.
  • The CRD
  • Opentelemetry collector (optional when building locally)


Generate the CRD from the rust types and apply it to your cluster:

cargo run --bin crdgen > yaml/foo-crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f yaml/foo-crd.yaml

Development Modes

You can either run locally, or build the image and deploy to your cluster.

Local Development

You need a valid local kube config with rbac privilages described in the deployment.yaml. A default k3d setup will work.

This setup is the easiest (and fastest) since it can work with just cargo run (or port-forward + and set evar first for telemetry feature), but you won't have everything in the cluster at your disposal.

In-cluster Development

Deploy as a deployment with scoped access via a service account. See yaml/deployment.yaml as an example. Note that the image on dockerhub is built with the telemetry feature (which requires an otel collector).

kubectl apply -f yaml/deployment.yaml
sleep 10 # wait for docker pull and start on kube side
export FOO_POD="$(kubectl get pods -n default -lapp=foo-controller --no-headers | awk '{print $1}')"
kubectl port-forward ${FOO_POD} -n default 8080:8080 &

This is the more complicated (and slightly slower) setup, since you need to configure the deployment to point at the otel colector, (and possibly build the image yourself to avoid telemetry). To simplify the above, we recommend using tilt, via tilt up instead.



When using the telemetry feature, you need an opentelemetry collector configured. Anything should work, but you might need to change the exporter in if it's not grpc otel.

If you have a running Tempo agent/deployment, you can make forward-tempo while developing locally, and configure the OPENTELEMETRY_ENDPOINT_URL evar as per make run.

You probably need to edit the OPENTELEMETRY_ENDPOINT_URL to fit your cluster.


Once the app is running, you can see that it observes foo events.

Try some of:

kubectl apply -f yaml/instance-good.yaml -n default
kubectl delete foo good -n default
kubectl edit foo good # change info to contain bad

The reconciler will run and write the status object on every change. You should see results in the logs of the pod, or on the .status object outputs of kubectl get foos -oyaml.

Webapp output

The sample web server exposes some example metrics and debug information you can inspect with curl.

$ kubectl apply -f yaml/instance-good.yaml -n default
$ curl
# HELP handled_events handled events
# TYPE handled_events counter
handled_events 1
$ curl

The metrics will be auto-scraped if you have a standard PodMonitor for


The example reconciler only checks the to see if it contains the word bad. If it does, it updates the .status object to reflect whether or not the instance is_bad. It also sends a kubernetes event associated with the controller. It is visible at the bottom of kubectl describe foo bad.

While this controller has no child objects configured, there is a configmapgen_controller example in kube-rs.


A kubernetes example controller

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 83.7%Language:Makefile 13.8%Language:Starlark 1.5%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%