shanapu / MyStore

This store is buggy - development paused for unpredictable time - more a concept and giver for ideas than a working store - Keep posting bugs!

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[BUG] Credits Problem

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I installed this store plugin to my server, i configurated this, and everything ok, but randomly credits stop working and not give credits for ANYTHING(kills, win ect...). Config file is ok, Log not say anything. When i restart the server, credits start working, but randomly (1-2 map or hour) stop working, not giving any credits and need restart to work again.., (the store not stop working, just the credits earn). How i fix this?

Earnings File:

i have this too can we check this, i love this store its the best one so far. please lets try to fix it.

@penalte do the error/logs have anything regarding MyStore?
Also instead of restarting could you try to just reload the plugin? sm plugins reload MyStore

Hello, no errors, nothing in logs, just the earning module stops giving credits. I tryed "bots" "1" because i use bot´s in my servers, when a player joins a empty server it has a bot to play until someone joins.
I tryed "player" 1/2 insted of 0 the same happens.
I tryed not using "groupid".
i tryed to just have one group in earning.txt "default" only.
I updated sourcemod, metamod, and steamworks just to be sure.
it stops giving credits after a while it is random can stop next map or after 3/4 maps.

Other strange thing happened today it reseted the credits of some players because of this
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:35: Info (map "surf_beginner_pena") (file "/serverdata/serverfiles/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200809.log")
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:35: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "Item hidden" not found (arg 5)
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:35: [SM] Blaming: mystore_item_painter.smx
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:35: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:35: [SM] [0] VFormat
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:35: [SM] [1] Line 141, /home/travis/build/shanapu/MyStore/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:35: [SM] [2] Line 110, addons/sourcemod/scripting/mystore_item_painter.sp::Command_Hide
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:46: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "Item visible" not found (arg 5)
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:46: [SM] Blaming: mystore_item_painter.smx
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:46: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:46: [SM] [0] VFormat
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:46: [SM] [1] Line 141, /home/travis/build/shanapu/MyStore/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/
L 08/09/2020 - 13:13:46: [SM] [2] Line 115, addons/sourcemod/scripting/mystore_item_painter.sp::Command_Hide
L 08/09/2020 - 13:26:04: Error log file session closed.

I checked the translation and it has those 2, never happened before, i use mystore_startcredits "10" they were all set to 10 credits it override all their credits.

i found a few bugs quite simple to solve, should i open a new issue?

same here and it is an old bug.. It would be great if you will fix it.

it stops after this happen

L 10/13/2020 - 06:04:17: [Event] - أسد مقاتل<9><STEAM_1:0:XXXXXXXXX><> - Left game with -1 credits & -1 items
this player never fully connected to the server probably got drop at downloading server files.

if reload mystore_misc_earnings it stays the same, only if i reload the mystore_core it goes back to normal, i suspect the problem is about connection to the DataBase.

ok after some really atention it allways stops after this hapens
L 10/13/2020 - 20:50:02: [Event] - miraïTeyo<125><STEAM_1:0:XXXXXXXXX><> - Left game with -1 credits & -1 items

removed all the modules and leave only mystore_core and earnings, the problem is with the core.

@Hexer10 can you look at it plz?

Fixed aparently if the client crashes before fully connected it will still subtract the player count even before the Addition of that client hapened, @Natanel-Shitrit aka LuqS will do a PR later.