shamatcoder / p2.js

JavaScript 2D physics library

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2D rigid body physics engine written in JavaScript. Includes collision detection, contacts, friction, restitution, motors, springs, advanced constraints and various shape types.

Demos | Examples | Documentation | Download



Examples showing how to use p2.js with your favorite renderer.

More examples coming soon.

Sample code

The following example uses the World, Circle, Body and Plane classes to set up a simple physics scene with a ball on a plane.

// Setup our world
var world = new p2.World({ gravity:[0,-9.82] });

// Create a circle
var radius = 1,
    circleShape = new p2.Circle(radius),
    circleBody = new p2.Body({ mass:5, position:[0,10] });

// Create a plane
var groundShape = new p2.Plane(),
    groundBody = new p2.Body({ mass:0 });

// Add the bodies to the world

// Step the simulation
    console.log("Circle y position: " + circleBody.position[1]);
}, 1000.0/60.0);



Download either p2.js or the minified p2.min.js and include the script in your HTML:

<script src="p2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Until the code gets somewhat more stable, use the git url to install:

npm install git://

Or add the dependency to your package.json:

    "dependencies" : {
        "p2" : "git://"

Then require it like so:

var p2 = require('p2');

Supported collision pairs

Circle Plane Rectangle Convex Particle Line Capsule
Circle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plane - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rectangle - - Yes Yes Yes (todo) Yes
Convex - - - Yes Yes (todo) Yes
Particle - - - - - - Yes
Line - - - - - (todo) (todo)
Capsule - - - - - - Yes

Note that concave polygon shapes can be created using Body.fromPolygon.

Change log

Current dev version
  • Added property .enabled to Equation.
  • Added property .surfaceVelocity to ContactMaterial.
  • Added property .sensor to Shape.
  • World now emits events 'beginContact', 'endContact' and 'preSolve'.
  • Added property .gravityScale to Body.
  • Renamed class SAP1DBroadphase to SAPBroadphase.
  • Added property .interpolatedPosition to ``Body```.
  • Added method .internalStep to World.
  • Added property .defaultRestitution to World.
  • Added property .applyGravity to World.
  • Renamed method .computeC to .computeInvC in Equation, and made it compute the inverse.
  • Added static method Utils.splice.
  • Added property .world to Body.
  • Added property .fixedRotation to Body.
  • Added class AABB.
  • Added properties .aabb and .aabbNeedsUpdate to Body, as well as a method .updateAABB.
  • Added property .useBoundingBoxes to NaiveBroadphase.
  • Added static method Broadphase.aabbCheck.
  • Added method .computeAABB to Shape.
  • Added static method Broadphase.canCollide.
  • Body now inherits from EventEmitter, and dispatches events 'sleep','sleepy' and 'wakeup'.
  • Added properties .allowSleep, .sleepState, .sleepSpeedLimit, .sleepTimeLimit, .lastTimeSleepy as well as methods .sleep, .wakeUp() and .sleepTick to Body.
  • Added enums Body.AWAKE, Body.SLEEPY, Body.SLEEPING.
  • Added property .enableBodySleeping to World.
  • Added option .disableRotationalLock to PrismaticConstraint constructor.
  • Added methods .enableMotor, .disableMotor to .PrismaticConstraint as well as properties .motorEnabled, .motorSpeed, .motorEquation.
  • Added properties .damping and .angularDamping to Body.
  • Added property .applyDamping to World.
  • Added properties .shapeA and .shapeB to ContactEquation and FrictionEquation.
  • Added property .contactEquation to FrictionEquation.
  • Added property .multiplier to Equation.
  • Added properties .lowerLimitEnabled, .lowerLimit, .upperLimitEnabled, .upperLimit to RevoluteConstraint.
  • Added property .frictionCoefficient to FrictionEquation and Narrowphase. The solver now updates the friction force bounds dynamically in the solver from this value. FrictionEquation.setSlipForce() is thus deprecated.
  • Changed name of Narrowphase.convexPlane to Narrowphase.planeConvex.
  • Changed name of Narrowphase.capsulePlane to Narrowphase.planeCapsule.
  • Added property .emitImpactEvent to World.
  • Added method .getBodyById to World.
  • Added property .skipFrictionIterations to GSSolver.
  • Changed parameter names for PrismaticConstraint. This breaks backwards compatibility.
  • Added properties .localAxisA, .localAnchorA, .localAnchorB, to PrismaticConstraint.
  • Added method Narrowphase.prototype.collidedLastStep
  • Added property .firstImpact to ContactEquation and changed the way it handles restitution.
  • Solver now inherits from EventEmitter.
  • IslandSolver now emits a 'beforeSolveIsland' event.
  • Added method Solver.prototype.sortEquations and property .equationSortFunction.
  • Added class LockConstraint.
  • Added property .time to World.
  • World now emits 'impact' event.
  • Added property Utils.ARRAY_TYPE.
  • Added Utils
  • The returned array by Broadphase.prototype.getCollisionPairs is now reused in between calls.
  • Added method .addEquations to Solver to faster add an array of Equations.
  • Added method .updateArea and property .area to Shape
  • Added methods .adjustCenterOfMass and .fromPolygon to Body.
  • Renamed Nearphase to Narrowphase.
  • Added methods .upgradeJSON, .runNarrowphase and .integrateBody to World.
  • Renamed PointToPointConstraint to RevoluteConstraint.
  • Added static method GSSolver.iterateEquation.
  • Added methods .addConstraintVelocity, .resetConstraintVelocity, .setZeroForce to Body.
  • Added static method SAP1DBroadphase.checkBounds.
  • body.shapeOffsets and .shapeAngles may now only be vectors and numbers.
  • Removed World.collidingBodies since World.bodies can be used equivalently.
  • Added property DistanceConstraint.distance
  • Added contact response between a lot of Shape types. Check table above.
  • Added friction for most of the contact types
  • Added PointToPointConstraint
  • Added Line
  • Added method Shape.computeMomentOfInertia
  • Added method Body.updateMassProperties
  • Removed mat2 as it is not needed inside the library for now.
  • Changed Shape usage. A Shape is now added to a Body via Body.addShape(shape,offset,angle).
  • Removed Body.shape, added Body.shapes, .shapeOffsets, .shapeAngles
  • Added Rectangle
  • Added method Convex.updateTriangles
  • Added method Convex.updateCenterOfMass
  • Fixed Convex.computeMomentOfInertia, now it should be correct.
  • Updated the Node.js API so that each class is required using the pattern var ClassName = require('./ClassName') instead of var ClassName = require('./ClassName').ClassName
  • Added Nearphase class
  • Removed World.contacts and .frictionEquations in favor of World.nearphase.contactEquations and World.nearphase.frictionEquations
  • Added Capsule class
  • Added Spring properties .localAnchorA, .localAnchorB.
  • Added Spring methods .getWorldAnchorA, .setWorldAnchorA and the corresponding for B.
  • Added p2.version for browser.
  • Added PrismaticConstraint.
  • Added properties .collisionGroup and .collisionMask to Shape. This enables collision filtering.
  • Added method World.hitTest.
  • Renamed equation properties .k and .d of Equation and GSSolver to .stiffness and .relaxation, respectively. Removed properties .a, .b, .eps from both and instead compute them on the fly in the solver.
  • Added property GSSolver.useGlobalEquationParameters so that it is possible to turn on and off per-equation solver settings (.stiffness and .relaxation).
  • Removed Broadphase.<shapeTypeA><shapeTypeB> since they are not used in any broadphase implementation any more.
  • Added experimental QuadTree broadphase.
  • Added SAP1DBroadphase
  • Renamed World.friction to World.defaultFriction
  • Added class RotationalVelocityEquation
  • Added methods .enableMotor, .disableMotor, .setMotorSpeed to PointToPointConstraint
  • Added EventEmitter
  • World now emits the following events: 'postStep', 'addBody', 'addSpring'
  • Moved properties of Body.MotionState to Body. Usage is now Body.STATIC, Body.DYNAMIC, Body.KINEMATIC.
  • Removed asynchronous behaviour of World.step().


Make sure you have git, Node.js, NPM and grunt installed.

git clone; # Clone the repo
cd p2.js;
npm install;                                     # Install dependencies
                                                 # (make changes to source)
grunt;                                           # Builds build/p2.js and build/p2.min.js

The most recent commits are currently pushed to the master branch. Thanks for contributing!


JavaScript 2D physics library
