shamadee / wasm-init

Build tool and template generator for WebAssembly Projects

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Windows support

krzysztof-grzybek opened this issue · comments

The shell script for compiling wasm is not working on windows cmd. Do You plan to support only bash / sh compatibile environments ? Would You eventually accept pull request ?

Hi Krysztof,
We are planning to add Windows support, but haven't gotten around to it yet. We'd definitely accept a pull request if you are interested.
Let me know if you have any questions.


Thank You for such quick response and sorry for so waiting so long for mine. I submited already pull request.

However, after reading the code, I would like to assure that conditional statement in shell script is written properly - I mean - it doesn't break anything but it seems like it doesn't work like it should.

From what I understand, it has to check if path to emsdk is already added - am I correct ?
But this code
if [[ :$PATH: != *:"/emsdk":* ]]
will be false for only path like
, but not

, so probably (?) for most users script after "then" will be always executed.

If I'm wrong, sorry for wasting Your time.
Thank You for good work, cheers !

Krzysztof, you are right about checking PATH, thanks for bringing that to my attention.