shalzz / zola-deploy-action

Github action for building a Zola site and deploying to Github Pages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

File not found when building site

Arzte opened this issue · comments

I appear to be getting the same error mentioned in #72, however running zola build locally succeeds as expected.

The error I'm getting in my builds is linked here:

The workflow file I'm using is here:

Let me know if there's any additional information I could provide to help resolve this.

@Arzte I've got the same issue with a failure to parse "templates/" and I've solved that with ln -s themes/abridge/templates ./ (a symlink on templates/).

I'm now getting a different error but I think it's unrelated to this. edit - I've got a successful run after doing the symlink and then setting write permissions to the workflow, as described in ad-m/github-push-action#96 (comment).

PS.: Looks like your main.yml has also changed from the documented one, in case you want to retry:

Just solve the a same issue using a symlink

@Arzte I've got the same issue with a failure to parse "templates/" and I've solved that with ln -s themes/abridge/templates ./ (a symlink on templates/).

I'm now getting a different error but I think it's unrelated to this. edit - I've got a successful run after doing the symlink and then setting write permissions to the workflow, as described in ad-m/github-push-action#96 (comment).

PS.: Looks like your main.yml has also changed from the documented one, in case you want to retry:

I am still getting this issue, but I am on windows, so symlinks are not an option for me. How would I go about and fix this?