Wrong version with happypack
david-gomey opened this issue · comments
We are trying to use the loader with happypack and we see that there is a problem with version.
We have seen the next code in sass-resources-loader/src/loader.js:
var webpack = this; var isModernWebpack = webpack.version >= 2;
Will always be the webpack version? or is it the loader version?
Try version 1.3.3 and please ask to reopen if not working.
This is currently still an issue. This because HappyPack provides a fake loader context which has an explicit version set to 1 (no idea as to why).
However, the original creator of this issue also created a PR to fix this issue by removing the check from the code in this project (which seemed to be a TODO for webpack v2 stable anyway). See #66
This is currently blocking (s)css module implementation for a project I'm working on (getting rid of happypack significantly increases the build times), so I'd greatly appreciate an update on this! 😃