shaharkazaz / vscode-git-merger

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gitMerger.mergeCommandOptions Incorrect type. Expected "string[]"

tomcnolan opened this issue · comments

What's this issue all about?

When specifying gitMerger.mergeCommandOptions in User Settings, an error is displayed in the Problems pane: Incorrect type. Expected "string[]".

Expected Behaviour

No error message when specifying gitMerger.mergeCommandOptions in User Settings.

Actual Behaviour

When specifying gitMerger.mergeCommandOptions in User Settings, an error is displayed in the Problems pane: Incorrect type. Expected "string[]".

Steps To Reproduce

File menu / Preferences / Settings.
Expand Workbench.
Click on Settings Editor.
Ensure the checkbox is checked under Use Split JSON. (VSCode 1.31.0 turned off the split JSON editor with default settings on the left.)
Expand Extensions.
Click on GitMerger configuration.
In the section titled "Git Merger: Merge Command Options", click the link: Edit in settings.json
The User Settings tab opens.
Copy the gitMerger.mergeCommandOptions JSON snippet from the left pane, and paste it into the right pane. Add a trailing comma if needed.
An error is displayed in the Problems pane: Incorrect type. Expected "string[]".

Software Info

VSCode version 1.31.0
GitMerger version 0.4.1
Windows 10 version 1809