shaharkazaz / vscode-git-merger

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Feature: git merge --continue command

juninho2410 opened this issue Β· comments

What's this issue all about?

Feature request for adding git merge --continue command.

I didn't find this in the command list.
I miss the last part of merge process in a conflict resolution that is the --continue command.
Would be nice if this step could be done through the interface click or command(to avoid using terminal).
I don't know if this could be in this plugin or should be in the VS Code editor.

I will look into it and see what can be done πŸ‘ Thanks for the feedback

@juninho2410 hopefully this will be done this next week/ 2 weeks πŸ˜ƒ

Wow, really nice!πŸ™‚

The dev on this feature is done, now just testing and then releasing it on v0.4.0 πŸŽ‰

Released! try to use it and update if you have any issues with it! Thanks for the feedback! πŸŽ‰