shaharkazaz / run-git-command

A light weight wrapper for running git commands in any node.js application.

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run-git-command   npm version

A light weight promise wrapper for running git commands in any node.js application.

Dependencies 🤝

Having git installed on your system.

Installation ⬇

To install the stable version you can use npm or yarn:

$ npm install run-git-command
$ yarn install run-git-command  


execGitCmd takes two parameters:

  1. Array of git command arguments (e.g ["merge", "--abort"] -> 'git merge --abort')
  2. Executor options (optional)
import {execGitCmd} from "run-git-command";

/** You can read more about this in the project's wiki **/
const execOptions = {
    execOptions: {}, // Options passed to the child_process spawn executor
    logProcess: false, // By default a console log is being printed
    customMsg: `run-git-command` // A custom msg to be printed to the console

/** Simple usage **/
execGitCmd(['pull'], execOptions)
    .then((result) => "Command ran successfully")
    .catch((error) => "Command execution failed");
/** Since the executor returns a promise they can be chained **/
execGitCmd(['pull'], execOptions)
    .then(() => execGitCmd(['push']))
    .then((result) => "Both commands ran successfully")
    .catch((error) => "Command execution failed");




A light weight wrapper for running git commands in any node.js application.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%