shafiul / gaia-ui-tests

UI tests for Gaia

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Gaiatest is a Python package based on Marionette, which is designed specifically for writing tests against Gaia.


Installation is simple:

easy_install gaiatest

If you anticipate modifying gaiatest, you can instead:

git clone git://
cd gaia-ui-tests
python develop

Running Tests

To run tests using gaia test, your command-line will vary a little bit depending on what device you're using. The general format is:

gaiatest [options] /path/to/

If you are running tests directly in the repository, you will instead want to run (assuming you are in the gaia-ui-tests directory):

python gaiatest/ /path/to/


--emulator arm --homedir /path/to/emulator:  use these options to 
    let Marionette launch an emulator for you in which to run a test
--address <host>:<port>  use this option to run a test on an emulator
    which you've manually launched yourself, a real device, or a b2g
    desktop build.  If you've used port forwarding as described below,
    you'd specify --address localhost:2828
--testvars= (see section below)

If you use the --address localhost:2828 option, you must additionally setup port forwarding from the device to your local machine. You can do this by running the command:

adb forward tcp:2828 tcp:2828

adb is the 'android debug bridge', and is available in emulator packages under out/host/linux_x86/bin. Alternatively, it may be downloaded as part of the Android SDK, at


We use the --testvars option to pass in local variables, particularly those that cannot be checked into the repository. For example in gaia-ui-tests these variables can be your private login credentials, phone number or details of your WiFi connection.

To use it, copy testvars_template.json to a different filename but add it into .gitignore so you don't check it into your repository.

When running your tests add the argument: --testvars=(filename).json


this_phone_number (string) The phone number of the SIM card in your device. Prefix the number with '+' and your international dialing code.

remote_phone_number (string) A phone number that your device can call during the tests (try not to be a nuisance!). Prefix the number with '+' and your international dialing code.

wifi.ssid (string) This is the SSID/name of your WiFi connection. Currently this supports WPA/WEP/etc. You can add wifi networks by doing the following (remember to replace "KeyManagement" and "wep" with the value your network supports) :

"wifi": { "ssid": "MyNetwork", "keyManagement": "WEP", "wep": "MyPassword" }

WPA-PSK: "wifi": { "ssid": "MyNetwork", "keyManagement": "WPA-PSK", "psk": "MyPassword" }

WPA-EAP: "wifi": { "ssid": "MyNetwork", "keyManagement": "WPA-EAP", "password": "MyPassword", "identity": "MyIdentity" }

Writing Tests

Test writing for Marionette Python tests is described at Additionally, gaiatest exposes some API's for managing Gaia's lockscreen and application manager. See


UI tests for Gaia