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Support nginx workers

sporksmith opened this issue · comments

nginx currently doesn't work under shadow with workers enabled.

Previously this was because shadow didn't support fork, but now it does.

With workers enabled, the test currently times out. The shadow.log contains these warnings:

00:00:00.010232 [416526:shadow-worker] 00:00:00.000090070 [WARN] [server:] [] [shadow_rs::host::descriptor::socket::unix] We do not yet handle ioctl request FIOASYNC on unix sockets
00:00:19.363154 [394547:shadow-worker] 00:00:00.000000000 [WARN] [server:] [syscall_handler.c:564] [syscallhandler_make_syscall] Detected unsupported syscall 130 called from thread 1000 in process nginx on host server

From socket(7):

FIOASYNC: Change the O_ASYNC flag to enable or disable asynchronous I/O mode of the socket. Asynchronous I/O mode means that the SIGIO signal or the signal set with F_SETSIG is raised when a new I/O event occurs.

signal 130 is the sigsuspend syscall. Seems likely we'd need to add that syscall. It doesn't look too bad.

stderr has:

nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
2000/01/01 00:00:00 [alert] 1000#1000: ioctl(FIOASYNC) failed while spawning "worker process" (22: Invalid argument)

So it looks like we probably need to support:

  • the FIOASYNC ioctl. This doesn't look too bad; we'd need to track whether it's set and raise SIGIO in various places if it's set. (Maybe a small number of places in the descriptor code?)
  • the sigsuspend syscall. This looks pretty straightforward, though involves setting a temporary signal mask, so we'd need to add some state somewhere to save the previous mask so that it can be restored.