shadiakiki1986 / dbxcli-extras

dbxcli utilities: sync, recursive get

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sync doesn't upload changes to existing files

TFesmire opened this issue · comments

I have a Team folder in Dropbox called TestTeamFolder. I used the getr subcommand to download the files to my volume. That worked fine. One of the files, test.xlsx, was modified using Excel and then saved. Running the sync subcommand did not upload the changes to the remote (Dropbox). However, adding a new file to the local folder, test2.xlsx, worked as expected after running the sync subcommand; test2.xlsx appeared in the remote folder listing.

Is sync supposed to compare the hash of local files with the remote hashes or is it more basic than that? It looks like it is only pushing new files to the remote. Similarly, deleting a file from the local folder did not propagate to the remote after running sync.

I appreciate the work that went into this tool, but the documentation does not explain how it works at all.

You're right. I'll make some improvements and get back to you

Done for the sync, released v0.0.5 and updated example notebook to demonstrate. Let me know if this works for you.

For locally deleted file, unfortunately as you found, the feature isn't there. I'm kind of tight on time, but PRs welcome

Added feature to check files deleted locally and delete them on dropbox. Released v0.0.6. Let me know if this works for your