shabados / SantLipi

A unicode font for extraordinary Gurmukhi.

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The double ਡੰਡਾ/ਹੱਦ character (॥) should join with non-numeral characters that appear before/after it

irvanjitsingh opened this issue · comments




use this font and promote an accurate representation of gurmukhi


purataan hathlikhat saroops use the ॥ character in this manner

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Very cool idea! Also doable. Unfortunately it will take a backseat to a lot of the other work across our projects. Going to leave this issue open in case anyone else feels like working on it.


  • Implement using style font feature
  • add component for connecting

What also would help is if you can share lots of pictures of the different ways this shows up! Thank you for opening your first issue with us

Attached some screenshots from a personal project where I've used one of the spacing characters in the private-use section of the Akaash font by Dr Kulbir S Thind and manipulated element margins with CSS to achieve the same result.

Screen Shot 2023-12-06 at 11 03 53 PM Screen Shot 2023-12-06 at 11 03 03 PM

I've attached 3 screenshots of puratan saroops

  1. aad saroop, baba deep singh jee likhat 'sunehri saroop'
  2. aad saroop, 1714, from gurmatveechar
  3. dasam saroop, from gurmatveechar
Screen Shot 2023-12-06 at 11 02 30 PM Screen Shot 2023-12-06 at 11 01 51 PM Screen Shot 2023-12-06 at 11 00 52 PM

Aside: I intentionally took screens from the first ang of these saroops to also highlight that the ਕਾਰ ਚਿਨ (symbol) in ਿੲਕ ਓਅੰਕਾਰ is clearly shaped in an arch, similar to how Akaash, GurbaniAkhar, Anmol, Mukta Mahee, and almost every other popular font has it, but contrary to what SantLipi is using. I understand that there is debate about this but would ask that the team use the original style of the glyph as the default and provide the modified style as an alternative, similar to what is being done for yakash, as that would be a more faithful representation of gurmukhi as written in puratan saroops of SGGSJ. Akaash has an alternative, larger symbol composed of two glyphs in the private-use set (refer to the screenshot) that can be used if there is more space. SantLipi could implement something similar, while also including the style that you currently have as yet an alternative if anyone wants to use it.

Wow that's awesome, thank you for sharing!

I understand that there is debate about this but would ask that the team use the original style of the glyph as the default and provide the modified style as an alternative

Would you care to please elaborate on this. That way the information will be available in a public forum. Since you're the only one to share the info, it would be nice if you can provide insights on both sides of the argument and why you believe one side should be set as the default over the other!

On a general level it would also be nice to know why these stylistic changes matter so much to you and perhaps some others! What effect do style specifics have on you?

Very interesting dialogue so far! Thank you

I think it might be best to continue this conversation in another thread, and leave this one for the dandiyan. I'll open another issue about IkOangKaar.

@irvanjitsingh as you didn't open a new issue, I figured to respond here. You can view the latest version of Sant Lipi online at Note the ੴ

I'd like to move towards finalizing this font. I have a few more things left to do on my end. And I don't see this issue as a blocker to the next major version (and I would like to add support for this feature in a post-v1.0.0 release).

Do you see any other issues / concerns before going for a v1 release?

Sorry I was planning to do a more thorough write-up with some sources about the Oangkaar but got sidetracked. Thanks for fixing!

Regarding the issue of joined ॥, post 1.0 seems fine.

FWIW, We did bring it up with the Unicode consortium during a past meeting and there was mixed support to implement it in the standard since it's a pretty fundamental change to Gurmukhi punctuation. In the mean time it can addressed with a font solution.

That write is still more than welcome! Even if we end up just closing the issue as "fixed" it would be nice to have the history/information/justification for it somewhere online available.

It definitely doesn't need to be in the Unicode Consortium, I think there is a way for us to get it to work in the font.

Just curious, is this the only thing that's stopping you from using Sant Lipi? And if it were implemented, where would you be using the font exactly? I know you work on a couple different projects, so just wondering what your plans are for this font

Just tried using the font for Mool Mantar and it looks like the ਕਾਰ still needs some work for the case when there is no whitespace:
Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 1 30 31 PM

As for our use cases, I think its still really early, we would want to wait and see what a more stable version of this font looks like. It would be nice to have an alternative style that is based off GurbaniAkhar/Anmol/Akaash as it would be familiar for sangat and wouldn't require significant reformatting for files that already use those fonts.