shabados / SantLipi

A unicode font for extraordinary Gurmukhi.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Find solution to deploy pubdev package

bhajneet opened this issue · comments


Basically GH action for publishing to requires "on push tags". On push tags won't work if the tag was generated/pushed by another workflow/gh-action.


  • we can manually release on GH with a binary/font files and message, this will trigger on push tags for deploying github pages, npm package, dart package
  • we can look into using something like GCP for dart specifically
  • gh workflow run release.yml --ref "v$VERSION" ?


1 week


  • solution

The solution is a little messy, but it can all be done in a web browser (even from a mobile device), so there is no reason we cannot release even if we're on the road. was updated to reflect the new strategy