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Running latest version notifies of new release

ArthurHoaro opened this issue · comments

With the recent changes in how we handle the latest Docker build, when we run the latest image - i.e. master - we get a notification saying that a new release is available.

I believe it's because before we were ignoring that check if the current version was dev, while now the current version is the commit hash.

Also, locally I got a message to update to 0.12.2, which is normal, but on my own instance I got a message to upgrade to 0.11.1. There is maybe another underlying issue in the code.

I believe it's because before we were ignoring that check if the current version was dev

Yes this is it:

We could fix it by prefixing the hash ( with dev@, and ignoring the check if SHAARLI_VERSION begins with dev

but on my own instance I got a message to upgrade to 0.11.1

As I noted in #1964, some parts of the updater code still refer to the stable branch which was not updated after the v0.12.2 release. I think either merging v0.12.2 or release to stable would fix it (or a similar solution such as using a tag, deleting/recreating the stable branch from release and force-pushing...).

I checked the stable branch which was broken anyway because of a previous incomplete merge:

~/GIT $ git clone -b stable
~/GIT $ cd Shaarli
~/GIT/Shaarli (stable=)$ git grep HEAD
application/updater/Updater.php:<<<<<<< HEAD
index.php:<<<<<<< HEAD

So I decided to delete it, create a new stable branch from the v0.12.2 tag and force-push it:

~/GIT/Shaarli (stable=)$ git checkout master
~/GIT/Shaarli (master=)$ git branch -D stable
~/GIT/Shaarli (master=)$ git checkout v0.12.2
~/Shaarli ((v0.12.2))$ git checkout -b stable
~/GIT/Shaarli (stable)$ make test # OK
~/GIT/Shaarli (stable)$ git push -uf origin stable 
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
 + 7a9cacc...c2127f1 stable -> stable (forced update)
Branch 'stable' set up to track remote branch 'stable' from 'origin'.
~/GIT/Shaarli (stable=)$ 

on my own instance I got a message to upgrade to 0.11.1

This should be fixed, can you check?

Thanks @nodiscc! Yes, I get notified to update to v0.12.2 now instead of v0.11.1.

After digging a little more, there are multiple things in motion here:

  • as we said, the Docker image version is no longer dev. We could prefix it with dev, or we could just check if the current version is commit hash format instead of a version, it doesn't really matter.
  • there is a Shaarli setting under general.check_updates_branch that is used to determine against which branch an instance should retrieve the latest version available. We should get rid of that entirely and always use the release branch.
  • so we have the latest version in the server configuration page retrieved from the release branch, but the "Shaarli 0.12.2 is available" banner uses the branch set up in the configuration.