sgleadow / xcodetest

A standalone tool for running your iOS unit tests from the command line. Compatible with OCUnit and Kiwi iOS unit tests.

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Needs to be updated to use XCTest instead of SenTestCase

ExoticObjects opened this issue · comments

Some of this is self explanatory. Just change paths like .octest to .xctest, etc.

But there's one aspect that I couldn't figure out. SGXCodeTest.m looks like this:

+ (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)notification {

SenSelfTestMain(); is in a file called SenTestProbe.h. There doesn't appear to be an equivalent file or method in XCTest

I commented out that line and the related imports, and my tests claim that they are now compiling. But I get this error:

Assertion failed: (loadedTests != NULL), function +[SGXcodeTest load],

I'm not surprised that it doesn't work without some kind of equivalent to the SenSelfTestMain(); call.

Any advice? Has anyone made these changes to enable working with XCTest?

UPDATE: I found XCTSelfTestMain()

But I'm still getting Assertion failed: (loadedTests != NULL), function +[SGXcodeTest load]