sfneal / pdfconduit

Prepare documents for distribution

Repository from Github https://github.comsfneal/pdfconduitRepository from Github https://github.comsfneal/pdfconduit

New module of namespace package

sfneal opened this issue · comments

Consider converting the sub-module convert in the module pdf.conduit to a new module of the pdf namespace package (pdf.convert). Currently the only scripts are img2pdf.py and pdf2img.py which were built as the back-end of the Flatten class in flatten.py.

Possible new scripts...

  • pdf2docx.py
  • docx2pdf.py
  • html2pdf.py
  • csv2pdf.py
  • excel2pdf.py

The psdconvert package could be utilized as well to convert Photoshop files to PDFs.

  • psd2pdf.py

pdfconduit-convert module has been distributed