sferik / twitter-ruby

A Ruby interface to the Twitter API.

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Could not authenticate you on destroy_direct_message

GCorbel opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to destroy a direct message just with client.destroy_direct_message(123). It was working with Twitter 6.2.0 but not with the latest version. It produces the error Twitter::Error::Unauthorized: Could not authenticate you.

I inspected a bit and

The solution is probably to change Twitter::Rest::DirectMessages#destroy_direct_message and give an array. What I don't understand (I didn't inspect deeply) is why specs are working.

Do you confirm there is a bug? I will open an MR for that.


I'm having the same problem. I understand the PR has been merged, but it hasn't been released, right? (I'm using twitter (7.0.0) and I'm having the issue)

In case it helps,
here's evidence that the bug is present:

1] pry(#<Filter>)> id = msg.dig('id')    
=> "1325608100544602111"
[2] pry(#<Filter>)> id = msg.dig('id').to_i    
=> 1325608100544602111
[3] pry(#<Filter>)> @client.destroy_direct_message(id)    
Twitter::Error::Unauthorized: Could not authenticate you.
from /home/developer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.5/gems/twitter-7.0.0/lib/twitter/rest/request.rb:97:in `fail_or_return_response_body'
[4] pry(#<Filter>)> @client
=> #<Twitter::REST::Client:0x000055f98a109c88
[5] pry(#<Filter>)> @client.class
=> Twitter::REST::Client
[6] pry(#<Filter>)> @client.settings # I have valid creds/tokens
=> #<Twitter::Settings:0x000055f98a155520

If someone else is having this problem, I found a "hackish" way to get this done:
Twitter::REST::Request.new(@client, :delete, "/1.1/direct_messages/events/destroy.json?id=#{id}").perform