Sfeir / papori

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Install Dart Editor

To install Dart Editor, follow instruction at http://www.dartlang.org/docs/editor/getting-started/.

Important : For Ubuntu 64 bits users, open Terminal and execute the following lines :

wget https://launchpad.net/~jcollins/+archive/jaminppa/+build/1482994/+files/getlibs_2.06-0ubuntu1%7Eppa2_all.deb 
sudo dpkg -i getlibs_2.06-0ubuntu1~ppa2_all.deb 
sudo getlibs -p libgconf2-4 
sudo ldconfig

In some cases, you might need to follow additionnal steps (to be tested on a freshly installed Ubuntu) :

  • installing ia32/i386 libs

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Directories structure

In the same folder put :

  • dart : the workspace directory
    • papori : the papori project
  • dart-editor : the dart editor directory
    • ...

Retrieve from git

Open a terminal, and change the current directory to the workspace directory, "dart". Then retrieve it from Github :

git clone https://github.com/Sfeir/papori

Configure your environnement

Set the DART_SDK variable to the dart SDK path (add a line to ~/.pam_environment) :


Then change the current directory, to the project folder :

cd ~/dart/papori

And retrieve external packages, using the package manager :

$DART_SDK/bin/pub install --sdkdir=$DART_SDK

In the dart Editor, set the packages directory : "Tools" > "Preferences" > "Editor" and in "Package directory" browse to ~/dart/papori/packages/. Don't forget the last slash !

Run the application

  1. run the server : right click on server.dart file, and select "Run".
  2. open dartium : right click on Papori.html file, and select "Run".
  3. change the url to http://localhost:8080.

Development Tools

Use pub : the Dart Package Manager

Open a terminal, and change the current directory to the papori project directory, ~/dart/papori.

$DART_SDK/bin/pub install --sdkdir=$DART_SDK

Generate Dart code from Template

Prerequisites :

  • having SVN installed
  • having dart SDK installed (we assume next that {dart-sdk} folder is where it is installed)

Preparation :

  1. Run svn checkout http://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart/utils in the {dart-sdk}/lib folder
  2. Make sure that $DART_SDK/bin is in your environnement path For Ubuntu user, goto ~/.pam_environment (hidden file) and add the following lines at the end of the file : PATH="$DART_SDK/bin:$PATH"
  3. Make sure that $DART_SDK/lib/utils/template is in your environnement path For Ubuntu user, goto ~/.pam_environment (hidden file) and add the following lines at the end of the file : PATH="$DART_SDK/lib/utils/template:$PATH"

Compilation :

  1. Create a template file with .tmpl extension (i.e. myTemplate.tmpl)
  2. With a terminal, go to the folder where the template file is
  3. Run the following command : template myTemplate.tmpl
  4. The dart file will be generated in the same folder.

Useful link :

Useful links :



Language:Dart 100.0%