seydx / homebridge-camera-ui

Homebridge plugin for RTSP Cameras with HSV, motion detection support, Image Rekognition, Web UI to manage/watch streams and WebApp support

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Stream error with Ezviz H8C Camera

casajaguar opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Now I’m trying to add an EZVIZ H8C and receiving an error in home bridge console like this:
"Camera:: FFmpeg prebuffer process exited with error! (null) - Cannot determine format of input stream 0:0 after EOF - Error marking filters as finished - “
Stream configuration is OK in VLC. I tried with lots of them that are working OK and sending in H264 in vlc media information.

To Reproduce

My config is:
"name": "Jardin",
"manufacturer": "EZVIZ",
"model": "H8C",
"serialNumber": "12345679",
"motion": true,
"unbridge": true,
"hsv": true,
"prebuffering": true,
"forcePrebuffering": true,
"prebufferLength": 4,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-i rtsp://admin:xxxx@",
"subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:xxxx@",
"stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:xxxx@",
"vcodec": "copy",
"acodec": "libfdk_aac",
"audio": true
"videoanalysis": {
"active": true
"motionTimeout": 15,
"smtp": {
"email": "Jardin"
"mqtt": {}

Expected behavior
Camera stream to be added

Jardin: FFmpeg prebuffer process exited with error! (SIGKILL) - Last message repeated 1 times - [rtsp @ 0x7f73c58137c0] Too short RTP/HEVC packet, got 0 bytes - - Last message repeated 15 times - [rtsp @ 0x7f73c58137c0] Error parsing AU headers - - [rtsp @ 0x7f73c58137c0] Too short RTP/HEVC packet, got 0 bytes - - Last message repeated 8 times - [rtsp @ 0x7f73c58137c0] - Error parsing AU headers - - Last message repeated 1 times - [rtsp @ 0x7f73c58137c0] Too short RTP/HEVC packet, got 0 bytes -

My config is:
"name": "Jardin",
"manufacturer": "EZVIZ",
"model": "H8C",
"serialNumber": "12345679",
"motion": true,
"unbridge": true,
"hsv": true,
"prebuffering": true,
"forcePrebuffering": true,
"prebufferLength": 4,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-i rtsp://admin:xxxx@",
"subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:xxxx@",
"stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:xxxx@",
"vcodec": "copy",
"acodec": "libfdk_aac",
"audio": true
"videoanalysis": {
"active": true
"motionTimeout": 15,
"smtp": {
"email": "Jardin"
"mqtt": {}

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


  • Node.js Version: vX.X
  • Homebridge Version: vX.X
  • Camera UI Version: vX.X
  • Operating System: XXX
  • Browser: XXX

🎉 A new version of camera.ui

A new version of camera.ui is currently under active development. An initial alpha/beta release and previews are coming soon. Stay tuned for exciting updates: seydx/camera.ui#448 .

This version will no longer be developed / fixed. The new version contains many novelties and fixes (most important is for HKSV recording).