sevlyar / go-daemon

A library for writing system daemons in golang.

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Command not correct processed if `Args` is 1 string long

timfallmk opened this issue · comments


When passing Args: []string{} to the child process, having only a single string in the array produces an incorrect result (i.e. the command doesn't run). Having more than one string produces the correct result.

Args: []string{"some verb", "some other verb"}

Args: []string{"some verb"}
Does not work

Thank you for the report, @timfallmk
A value of Context.Args field is passed to os.StartProcess without any modifications exclude a case when the value is nil.
I can't reproduce the issue. Could you provide detailed steps (and code) to reproduce the issue and information about your OS: go env & uname -a.


See my comment in #35 :)