sethlopezme / atom-css-unit-converter

Performs conversions between different CSS units.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Port to Visual Studio Code

dimensi opened this issue · comments

Greetings! Passed a week ago on a vs code and is very happy, but when I started working with em, px, rem units and began to press the key combination is already familiar alt + c ... e / r, I realized that your plugin is no longer close :( It shock! I can not find though, would be a rough analogue of how you do, but also to return to the atom I do not. It is possible to transfer your plug-in in vs code?
Sorry for english. Thx for your work!

Thanks for the feedback! I hadn't really thought about porting this plugin from Atom to VS Code before. I'll do a little discovery and find out how much work it'll be to port the plugin to VS Code. If it's fairly straight-forward, I'll do it.

Again, thanks for opening this ticket and for using my plugin in Atom!

Thx you. I will wait with hope :)

Hello! I'm really looking forward to your plugin! Any news?

No news, yet. I haven't had the time to really look into it, and it might be a little while before I can. On the surface, it appears that VS Code has a completely different plugin system than Atom, so it'll most likely take a bit of work. I also need some art (logo or something) that will show up in their extension manager or whatever they call it.

I am always open to collaborating on something like this!

Sorry, I don't believe I will be porting this to VS Code any time soon. I just don't use VS Code very much and I don't have the time to put into porting the plugin to a platform I don't use often.