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Handle HTTP Error 413: Request Entity Too Large more gracefully.

sagudev opened this issue · comments

WPT import currently fails because of it: and I've hit this when doing webgpu tests too. Ideally if too large we should split it into multiple request.

It seems this is an issue when sending the output to the intermittent dashboard. I think a simple solution here would be to truncate the output.

Is this issue still there? If yes, I would like to work on this. Can you please assign this to me @sagudev

While this issue is not blocking WPT imports anymore, it's still present although in more edge cases now with #31895. I think more adaptive solution would be better (ideally filtering should never fail) in worst case we couldd fallback to sending empty result.message. How does that sound @mrobinson?

I think the first step is getting to bottom of what part of the filtering process is hitting the limits and then going from there. It's quite likely that we just need to limit the data that we send to the server or between GitHub Actions jobs.

Somehow related, I use 4a8ef8b for webgpu runs to make output shorter to actually get results (webgpu test are very very verbose)