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Cannot use multiple --docker-arg options with invoke local

chris-maclean opened this issue · comments

Are you certain it's a bug?

  • Yes, it looks like a bug

Is the issue caused by a plugin?

  • It is not a plugin issue

Are you using the latest v3 release?

  • Yes, I'm using the latest v3 release

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched existing issues, it hasn't been reported yet

Issue description

The --docker-arg option of invoke local does not appear to support multiple instances, despite the example used in the reference page

--docker-arg Pass additional arguments to docker run command when --docker is option used. e.g. --docker-arg '-p 9229:9229' --docker-arg '-v /var:/host_var'

Combining all the desired docker arguments into one string doesn't work either.

As a test, I edited the local copy of lib/cli/commands-schema/aws-service.js in my npm's node_modules folder like this:

// lib/cli/commands-schema/aws-service.js
    'docker-arg': {
      usage: 'Arguments to docker run command. e.g. --docker-arg "-p 9229:9229"',
      type: 'multiple', // <--- added this line

And that resolved the issue for me. I would be happy to submit a pull request for this minor change if indeed serverless is intended to support multiple instances of --docker-arg.

I observed this using the go1.x runtime, which runs with Docker by default. However, I think the issue would be relevant for all runtimes.

Service configuration (serverless.yml) content

service: my-dataloader
frameworkVersion: '3'

  name: aws
  runtime: go1.x
  region: us-east-1
  stage: dev

    - '!./**'
    - ./bin/**

    handler: bin/dataloader

Command name and used flags

sls invoke local --function dataloader --docker-arg '-p 9229:9229' --docker-arg '-v /var:/host_var'

Command output

% sls invoke local --function dataloader --docker-arg '-p 9229:9229' --docker-arg '-v /var:/host_var'                                                                                          
Environment: darwin, node 16.20.2, framework 3.38.0, plugin 7.2.0, SDK 4.5.1

Unexpected multiple "--docker-arg"

Environment information

Framework Core: 3.38.0
Plugin: 7.2.0
SDK: 4.5.1