sergiodxa / web-oidc

An OpenID Connect client built using only Web APIs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support PKCE Code Verification

bruceharrison1984 opened this issue · comments

Currently PKCE isn't implemented, so no code_challenge nor code_challenge_method is sent during the initial Authorization handshake.

This breaks any applications that expressly require PKCE in order to authenticate.

You can see in the OIDCStrategy for Remix that it's implemented

Here it's generated when starting the auth process


Lines 64 to 88 in ec9c067

let state = Generator.state();
let verifier = Generator.codeVerifier();
let challenge = Generator.codeChallenge(verifier);
let session = await sessionStorage.getSession(
session.set(this.options.sessionKeys?.state ?? "oidc:state", state);
this.options.sessionKeys?.verifier ?? "oidc:verifier",
let client = await this.client;
let url = client.authorizationUrl({
code_challenge: challenge,
code_challenge_method: "S256",
throw redirect(url.toString(), {
headers: { "set-cookie": await sessionStorage.commitSession(session) },

And here it's used on the callback


Lines 104 to 114 in ec9c067

let code_verifier = session.get(
this.options.sessionKeys?.verifier ?? "oidc:verifier",
if (typeof code_verifier !== "string") code_verifier = undefined;
let tokens = await client.oauthCallback(redirectURL, params, {
state: stateSession,
response_type: "code",

Ah, you are correct. I was looking at query params instead of cookies, which obviously won't work for a SSR application. Thanks!