sergey-tihon / OpenNLP.NET

OpenNLP for .NET

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenNLP 2.0.0

sergey-tihon opened this issue · comments

We currently cannot upgrade to OpenNLP 2.0.0 because is it compiled with JDK 11 but IKVM.NET currently support only JDK 8

Build-Jdk-Spec: 11
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8

Issues for tracking progress

When do you think YOU would accelerate to support JDK 11 :-)



@GeorgeS2019 This path will not be easy

@sergey-tihon you need to join his DISCORD to see that HE has a working Visual Studio 2022 compiling Java!
His next step is to develop ikvmcsproj template and java code intellisense.
He just need a bit more "support" to make more magic happens :-)

fyi, this project has working sample for MavenReference - #18

@sergey-tihon Neat.

It would be useful to have some other people besides myself understanding how the NuGet publishing of projects that contain MavenReferences works. It's a complicated thing to reason through, and could have consequences I haven't considered.

True. I have been meaning to put together a test to build a NuGet package that depends on both a MavenReference and a PackageReferece that depends on MavenReference to see if its consumers correctly build both MavenReferences. I am sure transitive dependencies work on their own, but have doubts that multiple levels of transient dependencies will properly merge in all consumers regardless of depth.

It would be useful to have some other people besides myself understanding how the NuGet publishing of projects that contain MavenReferences works.

I am honest myself with myself, I do not know how it work😁. I've built all packages by hand from F# script. Project with MavenReferences was added to test to check that auto-compiled dlls are correct and existing tests pass with them.

@wasabii Do you think that there is a need to rebuild & republish packages to NuGet? Or consumers should use MavenReferences directly in the their projects?

Everybody should use MavenReference if they depends on a library in Maven.

Nobody should be manually downloading and repacking libraries that the author already published to Maven. That leads to conflicts.