sergekov / docker-datacenter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This Demo

This demo Installs Commercially Supported Docker in a High Availability configuration. Included in this demo is UCP (Universal Control Plane), DTR (Docker Trusted Registry) and docker-compose.

  • docker1 :: controller node (ucp+ca) + DTR containers
  • docker2 :: replica node (ucp)
  • docker3 :: replica node (ucp)

I'm in the fast lane

git clone
cd docker-datacenter
touch docker_subscription.lic # add a valid `docker_subscription.lic` file
vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant up


  • A valid docker_subscription.lic file for the demo
  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant & Vagrant Plugins vagrant-proxyconf and vagrant-hostmanager
  • 5.5GB memory & 20GB disk space free on your workstation
  • If you require a proxy on your workstation (e.g you're running cntlm)...
    • review LOCAL_PROXY in Vagrantfile


Obtain a docker license file by visiting Put your docker_subscription.lic file in the root of this repo.

The vagrant up command will bring up all 3 VMs and provision them with Docker Datacenter.

git clone
cd docker-datacenter-demo
vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant up

All Guest VMs obtain thier IPs dynamically, and have hostname entries in /etc/hosts files. Your Host Machine will also have it's host file set due to the Vagrantfile config config.hostmanager.manage_host = true and you may be prompted to allow access to your hosts file.

Example Output:

==> docker1: INFO[0000] Verifying your system is compatible with UCP 
==> docker1: WARN[0000] Your system uses devicemapper.  We can not accurately detect available storage space.  Please make sure you have at least 3.00 GB available in /var/lib/docker 
==> docker1: INFO[0002] Pulling required images... (this may take a while) 
==> docker1: INFO[0094] Installing UCP with host address - If this is incorrect, please specify an alternative address with the '--host-address' flag 
==> docker1: INFO[0004] Generating UCP Cluster Root CA               
==> docker1: INFO[0026] Generating UCP Client Root CA                
==> docker1: INFO[0031] Deploying UCP Containers                     
==> docker1: INFO[0037] UCP instance ID: HVJK:OULF:6TZT:BUM5:2X4Q:U44G:KFAK:NZOI:TCYH:52O2:YBSB:DWEE 
==> docker1: INFO[0037] UCP Server SSL: SHA1 Fingerprint=2E:4A:70:F6:E6:04:6A:49:91:35:BC:EA:0D:DE:E9:ED:16:4A:54:8F 
==> docker1: INFO[0037] Login as "admin"/"orca" to UCP at

In your browser you should now be able to open the following:

But I want more!

See tips for tips on DTR, Interlock and Vagrant.

There's also a known issues that covers common proxy issues, vagrant/virtualbox image issues, and Windows rsync issues.


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%