sergdort / CombineFeedback

Unidirectional reactive architecture using new Apple Combine framework

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Discrepancy in the Examples

adriansergheev opened this issue · comments

In the lib itself, the Reducer<State, Event> is a typealias, like so:
public typealias Reducer<State, Event> = (inout State, Event) -> Void
In the Examples however, they use a struct, with an init, like so:

` public let reduce: (inout State, Event) -> Void

public init(reduce: @escaping (inout State, Event) -> Void) {
    self.reduce = reduce
} etc...`

Where is the truth? :)

Thanks for the work on the library!

Hey, it may be a mistake or a typo on my side the reducer now is a struct, I took this idea from Pointfree composable architecture

@sergdort I found the same issue. Then you install the library from Swift Package manager you have a different Reducer implementation. I would be so nice if you can update the package

@VNadygin For now you can use .package(url: "", .branch("master"))

Btw today I figured out, that there is no example with navigating back programmatically 😢 (And I don't know yet how to handle it, yet, so maybe it's not too late to send feedback before I figure it out by myself 😎)

I'm seeing the same thing happening but regarding feedbacks. Pointing to master solved it, thanks @maximkrouk and @VNadygin

Do I need to publish new version 🤔

Also guys I'm a lacking free time lately. So if someone would like to be a maintainer I would love to create an org and move project there

@sergdort I don't have much nowadays but I'd gladly help out on what i can.

I have migrated to the composable architecture btw 👽