sequelize / sequelize-typescript

Decorators and some other features for sequelize

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Issue when adding "s" at the end of HasMany association field name

CaptainZiboo opened this issue · comments


I found that, when using ownedOrganization or organization, it worked, but, when using ownedOrganizations for the field name, or organizations, it didn't work ! Is it normal that we cannot add an "s" add the end of the field names ? Is it because of sequelize creating files such as getUserTests ? I hope I didn't do anything wrong, if I did just tell me ! Hope anyone can help ! 👌


  • sequelize: ^6.29.1
  • sequelize-typescript: ^2.1.5
  • typescript: ^4.9.4

Issue type

  • [ x] bug report
  • feature request

Actual behavior

When trying to use the instance.$create method on a model, I receive an error
See models and code snippets for model creation and instance creations below

Expected behavior

Should be creating a new organization associated to the user

Steps to reproduce

Create a model with one to many relation with HasMany field name including ( associated model name with ) "s" at the end
Exemple : Organization -> Organizations

PS : Removing the "s" at the end of "Organizations" in the user model ( see code below ) resolve the issue

Related code

Error I get in the console

C:\Mes Fichiers\development\server\node_modules\sequelize-typescript\dist\model\model\model.js:51
        return this['create' + (0, string_1.capitalize)(propertyKey)](values, options);
TypeError: this[("create" + (0 , string_1.capitalize)(...))] is not a function
    at UserTest.$create (C:\Mes Fichiers\development\server\node_modules\sequelize-typescript\dist\model\model\model.js:51:70)        
    at C:\Mes Fichiers\development\server\src\loaders\sequelize.ts:47:37
    at (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (C:\Mes Fichiers\development\server\src\loaders\sequelize.ts:5:58)

I'm using these two models

import { Column, HasMany, Model, Table } from "sequelize-typescript";
import { OrganizationTest } from "./organizationtest.model";

export class UserTest extends Model {

    name!: string

    @HasMany(() => OrganizationTest, 'owner')
    ownedOrganizations!: OrganizationTest[];

import { BelongsTo, Column, Model, Table } from "sequelize-typescript";
import { UserTest } from "./usertest.model";

export class OrganizationTest extends Model {

    name!: string

    @BelongsTo(() => UserTest, 'owner')
    _owner!: UserTest


And here is the code to create the user and associated organization

    // Adding default admin user for testing purposes

    const user = await UserTest.create({

        username: 'admin'

    })'Default admin user created !')

    const organization = await user.$create('ownedOrganizations', {
        name: 'My organization'


    /* Language and Environment */
    "target": "es6",                                     /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */
    // "lib": [],                                        /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */
    // "jsx": "preserve",                                /* Specify what JSX code is generated. */
    "experimentalDecorators": true,                      /* Enable experimental support for TC39 stage 2 draft decorators. */
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,                       /* Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source files. */

sequelize config

    // Creating the main database instance

    const database = new Sequelize('app', '', '', {

        storage: 'database.sqlite',
        dialect: 'sqlite',
        logging: false,
        models: [__dirname + '/../models/*.model.ts'],
        modelMatch: (filename, member) => {

            console.log(filename, member)
            return filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.model')) === member.toLowerCase();

    await database.sync({ force: true });