sepandhaghighi / art

🎨 ASCII art library for Python

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text2art is not defined

KrAsH-CoD3 opened this issue · comments



I can not make use of text2art

Steps/Code to Reproduce

from art import *
print(text2art("Display Text", font='tarty2', chr_ignore=True))

Expected Behavior

Should print "Default text" in tarty2 font

Actual Behavior

print(text2art("Default text", font='tarty2', chr_ignore=True))
NameError: name 'text2art' is not defined

Operating System

Windows 11

Python Version


ART Version (Use : art.__version__)


@KrAsH-CoD3 Hi
It's a bit weird!
How do you install the art library?


@KrAsH-CoD3 Hi It's a bit weird! How do you install the art library?

pip install art. Also checking pip list art is listed.


@KrAsH-CoD3 Hi It's a bit weird! How do you install the art library?

pip install art. Also checking pip list art is listed.

FIXED: Re-installed/Updated the package to 5.9