sepandhaghighi / art

🎨 ASCII art library for Python

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Width bug

sepandhaghighi opened this issue · comments


It seems some characters in a few fonts don't have fixed width

Steps/Code to Reproduce

>>> from art import *
>>> tprint("KKK","georgi16")

Expected Behavior

Printing without distortion

Actual Behavior

___    __  ___    __  ___    __  
`MM    d'  @ `MM    d'  @ `MM    d'  @ 
 MM   d'    MM   d'    MM   d'   
 MM  d'     MM  d'     MM  d'    
 MM d'      MM d'      MM d'     
 MMd'       MMd'       MMd'      
 MMYM.      MMYM.      MMYM.     
 MM YM.     MM YM.     MM YM.    
 MM  YM.    MM  YM.    MM  YM.   
 MM   YM.   MM   YM.   MM   YM.  
_MM_   YM.__MM_   YM.__MM_   YM._

Operating System

Windows 10

Python Version

Python 3.6

ART Version (Use : art.__version__)

ART 5.3