sepandhaghighi / art

🎨 ASCII art library for Python

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Invalid escape sequences in string literals

heidecjj opened this issue · comments


Many string literals in,, and have invalid escape sequences such as \o, \_, \=

Steps/Code to Reproduce

Open a python3 interpreter, then perform the following

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
import art

Expected Behavior

No deprecation warnings should print when importing art

Actual Behavior

Many deprecation warnings, such as the following, print out:

/path/to/art/ DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence \_
    "worm": "_/\__/\__0>",

Operating System

Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS

Python Version


ART Version (Use : art.__version__)


Congratulations! You have made your first issue to art.
We will respond your issue and do our best to solve it as soon as possible, you can see more issues here.

Thank you for your precise issue finding. That's so valuable for us.
It seems you're right. we'll take a look at your PR ASAP.