sepandhaghighi / art

🎨 ASCII art library for Python

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art not printing ASCII text when compiled using pyinstaller

MrDebugger opened this issue · comments


When Python Code converted into Binary using Pyinstaller, It doesn't print ASCII text into Console anymore.

Steps/Code to Reproduce

  1. Install art and pyisntaller using pip
  2. create a simple Program such as
from art import *
  1. compile it using pyinstaller. pyinstaller --onefile
  2. open it.

Expected Behavior

Should print ASCII text into Console

Actual Behavior

Not Printing Any text into Console

Operating System

Windows 10

Python Version


ART Version


@MrDebugger Hi
I repeated your reproduction steps and it seems there is no problem related to art library.

Put a = input() at the end of your script.

@MrDebugger Hi
I repeated your reproduction steps and it seems there is no problem related to art library.

Put a = input() at the end of your script.

Looks Like i was editing another duplicate file and tried that on PyInstaller.
Thanks for the Reply.